Riporto questa discussione apparsa nella Mailing List ufficiale:
" Do anyone know working instructions to compile LLVM in Ubuntu/Xubuntu,
that can be used with most recent Gambas 3 revision?
Or optionally what is most recent working revision of LLVM?
Jussi "
" What I previously did was:
Download 3.1 from Sourceforge and unpack to wherever you want - I used
david/llvm. Then create
a "build" folder within "llvm".
Then from this "build" folder:
../configure --prefix=/usr --enable-optimized --enable-jit --enable-shared
make -j2 (for dual core, -j4 for quad core)
sudo make install
Then recompile Gambas as usual.
However LLVM 3.2 appears in the standard Ubuntu repository (I'm using
Ubuntu 12.04) and I haven't
has any trouble with it.
David "
" I used svn version, but otherwise that is what I tried (among many other
options), but it doesn't compile.
First problem is in configure, compilers are not found, but it is fixable.
If I set clang and clang++ as compilers, some include files are not found,
even when I give the correct path.
And if I set gcc and g++ as compilers, then it gives error that some
function isn't part of llvm (? ? ?).
> However LLVM 3.2 appears in the standard Ubuntu repository (I'm using
> Ubuntu 12.04) and I haven't
> has any trouble with it.
When I compile Gambas, it gives me this requirement:
|| Unable to find file:
|| gb.jit is disabled
So I don't think LLVM 3.2 will do it.
Jussi "
" Hi Jussi. What is the error message when you use g++?
/Emil "
" SourceManager.cpp:
In function ‘void ComputeLineNumbers(clang::DiagnosticsEngine&, clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache*, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator&, const lang::SourceManager&, bool&)’:
SourceManager.cpp:1134:20: error: ‘CountTrailingZeros_32’ is not a member of ‘llvm’
This is from svn version, so maybe there is something wrong in source code.
Jussi "