« il: 08 Ottobre 2014, 23:31:47 »
Vi riporto questa discussione:
When reading bar-codes the gun adds an "Enter" at the end. In a spreadsheet
if the focus was on cell A1 once the bar-code is read the focus will be in
cell A2 as if "Enter" had been pressed.....
CatchBarcodeEnter = Key.Code
If Key.Code = Key.Enter Or CatchBarcodeEnter = 65293 Then
It does not work without the 65293 part.
This is not recommended as we are warned: -
"Never compare the value of this property with a numeric constant, because
the key codes may depend on the underlying toolkit. Always use the constants
defined in this class!"
Do you know how I might get around this?
65293 is Key.Return. If you don't want to check both keys (one is the
main keyboard, the other is for the numeric pad), just compare Key.Text with "\n".
Benoît Minisini "
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