Attenzione, vi riporto questo messaggio di Minisini:
" Hi,
Qt4 has three graphics system: "native" (i.e. X11 + XRender), "raster"
and "opengl".
(1) The "opengl" system makes resizable windows slow as hell on my system.
(2) The "native" system cannot make an anti-aliased clipping.
I have found a workaround for (2) in revision #2558 (yes it's old), that
relies on the QPainterPath::intersected() method.
But it appears now that this method is buggy, making cumulative calls to
Paint.Clip() somewhat unpredictable.
So in revision #6815 I decided to remove that workaround.
Consequently, now, only the "raster" graphics system will be supported.
Benoît Minisini "