Autore Topic: Come usare una ToolBar  (Letto 212 volte)

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Come usare una ToolBar
« il: 04 Giugno 2015, 02:34:50 »
Riporto questa discussione:

" I'm trying to use a toolbar on a form. Have added gb.form.mdi to project and
added toolbar to form. Placed two tool buttons within the toolbar. I
understand that the toolbar is a container so the buttons should be within it.

The problem is that no matter where I put the buttons (horizontally along
the toolbar) they seem to align themselves where they want to go rather than
where I place them in the tool bar. They want to crowd over to the left
margin on top of each other and then not in the order or position  I placed them.

The Gambas Doc site appears to be down so I cannot get to the docs. So what
am I doing wrong and where can I find the docs on the toolbar? An example
would be helpful.

As always your responses are appreciated.



" The wiki is at, and it works.

The toolbar lays its children horizontally, like a HPanel. You don't
decide where they go.

You should define the Action property of all controls you put inside the toolbar.

Then if you define the Toolbar Key property, it gains a popup menu that
allows to configure the toolbar.

Moreover, if you have menu entries somewhere having the same Action,
they will synchronize, and then triggered, the Action_Activate()
function of your Form will be called with the action as argument. That
way, you can manage your actions at one place, even if the same action
is defined in many different controls.

Morever, you gain an automatic shortcut configuration for your menu
entries too (with the Action.Configure method).

You can examine the source code of the FMain.form form of the IDE to
have a good example of that.

Benoît Minisini
« Chiunque, non ricorrendo lo stato di necessità, nel proprio progetto Gambas fa uso delle istruzioni Shell o Exec, è punito con la sanzione pecuniaria da euro 20,00 a euro 60,00. »