« il: 20 Settembre 2013, 00:33:40 »
Vi riporto questa discussione apparsa nella mailing list ufficiale:
I'm working on my first report in Gambas and I'm getting nowhere.
I've been reading that someone took 60 hours to get a grasp on it.
I hope to seriously shorten that time by simply asking here as
documentation is scarce.
My situation very much simplified (it is part of a big migration project
from Windows to Linux with Gambas clients, so I can't really send you a
Table 1 (IC):
ID | ProductID | RestIC | ActueelIC
Table 2 (Product):
ProductID | Omschrijving
Goal is to make a report with on top field names followed by data.
This field names part needs to be on top of each page.
So the result of the report should look like:
ID Omschrijving ActueelIC RestIC '<-- this on every page
13 A product 1200 240
12 Other product 2400 2400
So there is a header on each page and the body with data.
I have made a report, but have no idea what to put where and how.
On main form this is my code:
Private $hConnTest As New Connection
Public Sub OpenReport()
Dim rData As Result
Dim hReport As New RprtIC
Dim sQuery As String
sQuery = "SELECT IC.ID, Product.Omschrijving, IC.Actueel.IC, IC.RestIC
from IC LEFT JOIN Product ON IC.ProductID=Product.ProductID ORDER BY
rData = $hConnTest.Exec(sQuery)
hReport = New RprtIC($hConnTest, rData)
On the report I have this:
Private $hConn As Connection
Private $rResult As Result
Public Sub _new(hConn As Connection, rResult As Result)
$hConn = hConn
$rResult = rResult
My questions:
1. What objects do I need to draw on the report and where and in what
2. What properties do I need to set on the drawn objects?
3. In what objects do I place what data?
I hope when getting this clear to have some basic insight in reports.
Kind regards,
Willy "
Gambas report is working like the forms
you need to open a new report
then setup the padding of the report (it's margins)
Add a ReportHBox to create the table header
Set it's height to 1 cm
set the property fixed to true (it repeat the header on each page)
in it add one report label for each column
for each label set the header text
give a width for each of then
set the border for each of them
on the report add another reporthbox (name=datalist)
set it's height to 1 cm
in it add a reportlabel for each column (datalabel1, datalabel2, etc)
set theire text to null
set theire width to the same size as those of the header
set theire border
in _new
for each datalabel :
example :
Public Sub DataLabel1_data(index as integer)
Last.Data = hResult!myfield
to test the report set it as main class (first launched form of the project)
i give you a demo (vedi file allegato)
with some extra such as page header, title and page footer
you need to play with all the properties to know exactly what they are
all the array in my example is in an extra vbo with expand to true. it's to
enforce the footer to be at the end of the page even on the last one (when
datas not fill the page)
remember that a report is a multi container i call it sections. you can get
a new section by increase the property count of report. A section is like a
new report (or a new page)
for exemple with that a report can have a title page, a summary, the data ,
the aknowlegement...
gb.report have not a good doc as i've not the time to inprove it. but it's
really powerfull. And since now not so many people use it.
In a short time (some month i will adda grid widget to simplify the simple
table making)
Have fun
Fabien Bodard "
« Chiunque, non ricorrendo lo stato di necessità, nel proprio progetto Gambas fa uso delle istruzioni Shell o Exec, è punito con la sanzione pecuniaria da euro 20,00 a euro 60,00. »