« il: 08 Dicembre 2013, 15:08:27 »
Vi riporto questa discussione apparsa nella M.L. ufficiale:
If I download emails containing pdf files using .Message.ToString() and save
the email to file then try to decode the attachment with-: Dim hMimeMessage As MimeMessage
Dim hMimePart As MimePart
Dim sTemp As String
Dialog.Title = "Select a text file"
If Dialog.OpenFile() Then Return
sTemp = File.Load(Dialog.Path)
hMimeMessage = New MimeMessage(sTemp)
For Each hMimePart In hMimeMessage.Part
If hMimePart.Disposition = "attachment" Then
File.Save(User.Home &/ "New Folder" &/ hMimePart.FileName,
Mime.Decode(sTemp, hMimePart.ContentEncoding))
The saved file is unreadable.
kmail however can open the saved email and displays the attachment OK.
BTW I'm using Gambas 3.5
bill "
You are not doing the right thing: Mime.Decode() is just a decoding
routine (like UnBase64$). You don't have to use it, all is done
automatically by the "Data" property of the message part.
Moreover, a MIME message is a recursive structure. Usually mail clients
hides that by displaying the message contents linearly. So you must
parse the parts recursively until you find your attachment.
Here is an example:' Gambas module
Private $iLevel As Integer
Public Sub Main()
Dim hMessage As New MimeMessage
' MyPopMessageData is retrieved (for example) with the
' Pop3Client[].Text property
hMessage = New MimeMessage(File.Load(MyPopMessageData))
Public Sub PrintPart(hPart As MimePart)
Dim hChild As MimePart
Print String$($iLevel, "| "); "| "
Print String$($iLevel, "| "); "+-"; If(hPart.Count, "+", "-");;
Print hPart;; hPart.ContentType;; hPart.FileName
Inc $iLevel
For Each hChild In hPart
Dec $iLevel
If hPart.ContentType = "application/pdf" Then
' I found the PDF attachment!
File.Save("~/found-it.pdf", hPart.Data)
Benoît Minisini "
Thank you Benoît - it works fine now!
bill "
« Ultima modifica: 09 Dicembre 2013, 15:18:48 da vuott »
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