19/05/2023: A causa di un errore sono stati cancellati, insieme ad account creati da bot, alcuni account legittimi. Si prega di leggere qui: https://www.gambas-it.org/smf/index.php?topic=9733.0
PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click() PRINT DirChooser1.SelectedPathEND
shell "cd " & percorso & " && " & comando
PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click()DIM sOutput AS String PRINT DirChooser1.SelectedPathSHELL "gksudo './autogen --assume-yes'" WAIT TO sOutputTextArea1.Text = sOutputEND
PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click() DIM sOutput AS String DIM indirizzo AS String indirizzo = DirChooser1.SelectedPath SHELL "cd " & indirizzo WAIT SHELL "gksudo './autogen --assume-yes'" TO sOutput WAIT TextArea1.Text = sOutputEND
PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click() DIM sOutput AS String DIM indirizzo AS String indirizzo = DirChooser1.SelectedPath SHELL "cd " & indirizzo & "; gksudo './autogen --assume-yes'" to sOutput WAIT TextArea1.Text = sOutputEND