Format(Now(), "dd-mm-yyyy hh:nn:ss.u")
...sono ritonato, e ancora vedo le solite cose... dare sempre un'occhio alla, seppur poca e semplice, documentazione ufficiale!...
Characters for user-defined formats:
+ Prints the sign of the number.
- Prints the sign of the number only if it is negative.
# Prints a digit only if necessary.
0 Always prints a digit, padding with a zero if necessary.
. Prints the decimal separator.
, Prints the thousand separators.
% Multiplies the number by 100 and prints a per-cent sign.
E Introduces the exponential part of a Float number. The sign of the exponent is always printed.
User-defined format characters for dates:
yy Prints the year on two digits.
yyyy Prints the year on four digits.
m Prints the month.
mm Prints the month on two digits.
mmm Prints the month in an abbreviatted string form.
mmmm Prints the month in its full string form.
d Prints the day.
dd Prints the day on two digits.
ddd Prints the week day in an abbreviated form.
dddd Prints the week day in its full form.
/ Prints the date separator.
h Prints the hour.
hh Prints the hour on two digits.
n Prints the minutes.
nn Prints the minutes on two digits.
s Prints the seconds.
ss Prints the seconds on two digits.
: Prints the time separator.
u Prints the milliseconds, if they are different from zero.