Eseguire un file mp3 usando l'API di Smpeg
Da - Wikipedia.
Versione del 4 mar 2014 alle 05:34 di Vuott (Discussione | contributi) (Creata pagina con 'La libreria di '''SMPEG''' consente di gestire file ''mpeg'' e si interfaccia con il livello ''DirectMedia Simple'' (SDL) per fornire una riproduzione MP3 multipiattaforma. P...')
La libreria di SMPEG consente di gestire file mpeg e si interfaccia con il livello DirectMedia Simple (SDL) per fornire una riproduzione MP3 multipiattaforma.
Per poter utilizzare le risorse della libreria libsmpeg è necessario richiamare nell'applicazione Gambas la libreria (nella sua attuale versione):
Mostriamo di seguito un semplice codice per eseguire un file audio mp3:
Private Const audio As Integer = 1 Private smpeg As Pointer Private pausa As Boolean Library "libsmpeg-0.4:0.1.4" ' Possible MPEG status codes Private Enum SMPEG_ERROR = -1, SMPEG_STOPPED, SMPEG_PLAYING ' SMPEG* SMPEG_new(const char *file, SMPEG_Info* info, int sdl_audio) ' Create a new SMPEG object from an MPEG file. This function returns a new SMPEG object. Private Extern SMPEG_new(file$ As String, infoP As Pointer, sdl_audio As Integer) As Pointer ' void SMPEG_enableaudio( SMPEG* mpeg, int enable ) ' Enable or disable audio playback in MPEG stream</font> Private Extern SMPEG_enableaudio(mp As Pointer, enable As Integer) ' void SMPEG_setvolume( SMPEG* mpeg, int volume ) ' Set the audio volume of an MPEG stream, in the range 0-100 Private Extern SMPEG_setvolume(mp As Pointer, vol As Integer) ' void SMPEG_play( SMPEG* mpeg ) ' Play an SMPEG object Private Extern SMPEG_play(mp As Pointer) ' void SMPEG_stop( SMPEG* mpeg ) ' Stop playback of an SMPEG object Private Extern SMPEG_stop(mp As Pointer) ' void SMPEG_pause( SMPEG* mpeg ) ' Pause/Resume playback of an SMPEG object Private Extern SMPEG_pause(mp As Pointer) ' SMPEGstatus SMPEG_status( SMPEG* mpeg ) ' Get the current status of an SMPEG object Private Extern SMPEG_status(mp As Pointer) As Integer ' void SMPEG_delete( SMPEG* mpeg ) ' Delete an SMPEG object Private Extern SMPEG_delete(mp As Pointer) Public Sub Button1_Click() Dim info As Pointer Dim volume As Byte smpeg = SMPEG_new("/percorso/del/file.mp3", info, audio) volume = 100 SMPEG_setvolume(smpeg, volume) SMPEG_enableaudio(smpeg, audio) SMPEG_play(smpeg) While (pausa = True) Or (SMPEG_status(smpeg) = SMPEG_PLAYING) Wait 0.01 Wend ' Va in chiusura: SMPEG_delete(smpeg) End Public Sub Button2_Click() ' Arresta l'esecuzione: SMPEG_stop(smpeg) End Public Sub ToggleButton1_Click() If Last.Value Then ' Mette in pausa l'esecuzione: SMPEG_pause(smpeg) pausa = True Else ' Riprende l'esecuzione: pausa = False SMPEG_play(smpeg) Endif End