Utilizzare una DrawingArea con gb.map anziché una MapView
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Versione del 11 ago 2018 alle 07:54 di Vuott (Discussione | contributi)
Mostreremo di seguito un semplice codice esemplificativo, nel quale si farà uso di una DrawingArea anziché ddell'oggetto MapView.
Bisognerà porre sul Form una DrawingArea, uno Slider ed un ValueBox per lo zoom. Si dovrà, inoltre, attivare il Componenti gb.map e gb.qt5 .
Private hMap As New Map Private x As Integer Private y As Integer Private mp As MapPoint Private pt As New Point Private initium As Boolean Public Sub _New() With hMap .AddTile("GoogleMaps", "https://khms{s}.google.it/kh/v={version}&src=app&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Galile", ["version": "800"]).SubDomains = ["0", "1", "2"] mp = MapPoint(34.976001513175, 13.3154296875) .Center = mp .Center.Lat = 37 .Center.Lon = 14 End With With Me .W = Desktop.W .H = Desktop.H End With With DrawingArea1 .X = Me.W * 0.007 .Y = Me.H * 0.01 .W = Me.W * 0.96 .H = Me.H * 0.95 End With With LCDLabel1 .X = Me.W * 0.967 .Y = Me.H * 0.04 .W = Me.W * 0.02 .H = Me.H * 0.02 .Alignment = Align.Right .Foreground = Color.Red .Font.Size = 18 .Font.Bold = True End With End Public Sub Form_Open() With Slider1 .X = Me.W * 0.975 .Y = Me.H * 0.07 .Value = 6 .MaxValue = 18 .MinValue = 6 End With hMap.Zoom = Slider1.Value DrawingArea1.Refresh() End Public Sub DrawingArea1_Draw() Dim lat, lon As Float With hMap .Width = Paint.W .Height = Paint.H .Draw() End With lat = hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lat lon = hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lon If initium Then With Paint .Brush = Paint.Color(Color.Red) .Font.Size = 16 .Ellipse(x - 1, y - 1, 4, 4) .Font.Size = 8 .Text(" " & Geo.DecToSex(lat, 1) & "\n " & Geo.DecToSex(lon, 2), x, y, 120, 20) .Fill .End End With Endif DrawingArea1.Refresh() End Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseMove() Dim c As New Single[18] Dim mx, my As Short c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6.4, 7.6, 8.8, 9.9, 10.9, 11.9, 12.94, 13.96, 14.98, 15.98, 16.99, 17.994] mx = (x - Mouse.X) my = (y - Mouse.Y) With hMap .Center.Lat -= ((my ^ 0) * my) / ((Slider1.Value * 10) / (Slider1.Value - c[Slider1.Value - 1])) .Center.Lon += ((mx ^ 0) * mx) / ((Slider1.Value * 10) / (Slider1.Value - c[Slider1.Value - 1])) End With x = Mouse.X y = Mouse.Y End Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseDown() pt = pt(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) x = Mouse.X y = Mouse.Y initium = True End Public Sub Slider1_Change() hMap.Zoom = Slider1.Value LCDLabel1.Value = Slider1.Value initium = False End Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseUp() pt = pt(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) mp = MapPoint(hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lat, hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lon) End Public Sub Form_Close() Quit End