Utilizzare una DrawingArea con gb.map anziché una MapView

Da Gambas-it.org - Wikipedia.

Mostreremo di seguito un semplice codice esemplificativo, nel quale si farà uso di una DrawingArea anziché ddell'oggetto MapView.

Bisognerà porre sul Form una DrawingArea, uno Slider e un LCDLabel per lo zoom, altresì attivare i Componenti gb.map e gb.qt5 e gb.qt5.ext .

Private hMap As New Map    
Private x As Integer
Private y As Integer
Private mp As MapPoint
Private pt As New Point
Private coo As Boolean
Public Sub _New()    
 With hMap
   .AddTile("GoogleMaps", "https://khms{s}.google.it/kh/v={version}&src=app&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Galile", ["version": "800"]).SubDomains = ["0", "1", "2"]
   mp = MapPoint(34.976001513175, 13.3154296875)
   .Center = mp
 End With
 With Me  
   .W = Desktop.W
   .H = Desktop.H  
 End With
 With DrawingArea1  
   .X = Me.W * 0.007
   .Y = Me.H * 0.01
   .W = Me.W * 0.96
   .H = Me.H * 0.95
 End With
 With LCDLabel1
   .X = Me.W * 0.967
   .Y = Me.H * 0.04
   .W = Me.W * 0.02
   .H = Me.H * 0.02
   .Alignment = Align.Right
   .Foreground = Color.Red
   .Font.Size = 18
   .Font.Bold = True
 End With
Public Sub Form_Open()
 With Slider1
   .X = Me.W * 0.975
   .Y = Me.H * 0.07
   .Value = 6
   .MaxValue = 18
   .MinValue = 6
 End With    
 hMap.Zoom = Slider1.Value  
Public Sub DrawingArea1_Draw()
 Dim lat, lon As Float
 With hMap
   .Width = Paint.W
   .Height = Paint.H
 End With
 lat = hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lat
 lon = hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lon

 If coo Then
   With Paint
     .Brush = Paint.Color(Color.Red)
     .Font.Size = 16
     .Ellipse(x - 1, y - 1, 4, 4)
     .Font.Size = 8
     .Text(" " & Geo.DecToSex(lat, 1) & "\n " & Geo.DecToSex(lon, 2), x, y, 120, 20)
   End With
Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseMove()  
 Dim c As New Single[18]
 Dim mx, my As Short
 c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6.4, 7.6, 8.8, 9.9, 10.9, 11.9, 12.94, 13.96, 14.98, 15.98, 16.99, 17.994]
 mx = (x - Mouse.X)
 my = (y - Mouse.Y)
 With hMap  
   .Center.Lat -= ((my ^ 0) * my) / ((Slider1.Value * 10) / (Slider1.Value - c[Slider1.Value - 1]))
   .Center.Lon += ((mx ^ 0) * mx) / ((Slider1.Value * 10) / (Slider1.Value - c[Slider1.Value - 1]))
 End With
 x = Mouse.X  
 y = Mouse.Y  
Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseDown()  
 pt = pt(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)
 x = Mouse.X  
 y = Mouse.Y  
 coo = False
Public Sub Slider1_Change()
 hMap.Zoom = Slider1.Value
 LCDLabel1.Value = Slider1.Value
 coo = False
Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseUp()
 pt = pt(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)
 mp = MapPoint(hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lat, hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lon)
 coo = True

Public Sub Form_Close()