Utilizzare una DrawingArea con gb.map anziché una MapView
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Versione del 24 apr 2021 alle 08:05 di Vuott (Discussione | contributi)
Mostreremo di seguito un semplice codice esemplificativo, nel quale si farà uso di una DrawingArea anziché dell'oggetto MapView.
Bisognerà ovviamente attivare il Componente gb.map . [Nota 1]
Private DrawingArea1 As DrawingArea Private hMap As New Map Private x As Integer Private y As Integer Private mp As MapPoint(35.864483, 12.867534) Private pt As New Point Public Sub _New() With hMap .AddTile("GoogleMaps", "https://khms{s}.google.it/kh/v={version}&src=app&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Galile", ["version": "900"]).SubDomains = ["0", "1", "2"] .Center = mp End With With Me .W = Desktop.W .H = Desktop.H .Arrangement = Arrange.Fill End With With DrawingArea1 = New DrawingArea(Me) As "DrawingArea1" .X = 0 .Y = 0 End With End Public Sub Form_Open() hMap.Zoom = 6 Me.Text = "Zoom: " & CStr(6) End Public Sub DrawingArea1_Draw() With hMap .Width = Paint.W .Height = Paint.H .Center = mp .Draw() End With DrawingArea1.Refresh() End Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseMove() Dim c As New Single[18] Dim mx, my As Short c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6.4, 7.6, 8.8, 9.9, 10.9, 11.9, 12.94, 13.96, 14.98, 15.98, 16.99, 17.994] mx = (x - Mouse.X) my = (y - Mouse.Y) With hMap .Center.Lat -= ((my ^ 0) * my) / ((hMap.Zoom * 10) / (hMap.Zoom - c[hMap.Zoom - 1])) .Center.Lon += ((mx ^ 0) * mx) / ((hMap.Zoom * 10) / (hMap.Zoom - c[hMap.Zoom - 1])) End With x = Mouse.X y = Mouse.Y End Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseDown() pt = Point(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) Me.Text = "Lat. " & Format(hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lat, "0.000000") & " Lon. " & Format(hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lon, "0.000000") & " - Zoom: " & CStr(hMap.Zoom) x = pt.X y = pt.Y End Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseWheel() pt = Point(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) mp.Lat = hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lat mp.Lon = hMap.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lon If Mouse.Delta > 0 Then hMap.Zoom += 1 Else hMap.Zoom -= 1 Endif Me.Text = "Zoom: " & CStr(hMap.Zoom) End
[1] Qualora la mappa non appaia, verificare la versione GoogleMap, ed eventualmente modificarla in questo punto: ["version": "900"]
Al riguardo vedere: Conoscere la versione più recente di Google Maps satellite