Simulare una ProgressBar mediante una DrawingArea

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Versione del 22 giu 2024 alle 13:12 di Vuott (Discussione | contributi)

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La simulazione di una "ProgressBar" mediante l'uso di una "DrawingArea", può essere utile, ad esempio, per utilizzare un colore diverso da quello standard fornito dal tema grafico.

Mostriamo di seguito una "DrawingArea" che simula il comportamento di un Oggetto "ProgressBar", ma di colore giallo:

Private DrawingArea1 As DrawingArea
Private dw As Short
Private dh As Short
Private valore As Single
Private tempus As Timer

Public Sub Form_Open()

 With DrawingArea1 = New DrawingArea(Me) As "DrawingArea1"
   .X = 10
   .Y = 10
   .W = 300
   .H = 50
   .Background = Color.Red
   dw = .W / 2
   dh = .H / 2
 End With

 With tempus = New Timer As "Tempus"
   .Delay = 40
 End With


Public Sub Tempus_Timer()
 If (valore * 100) / DrawingArea1.W >= 100.0 Then tempus.Stop
 valore += 1.0


Public Sub DrawingArea1_Draw()

 With Paint
' Imposta il colore giallo per la "ProgressBar" simulata:
   .Brush = .Color(Color.Yellow)
   .Rectangle(0, 0, valore, DrawingArea1.H)
   .Brush = .Color(Color.Blue)
   .DrawText(CStr(Fix((valore * 100) / DrawingArea1.W)) & "%", dw - (.TextExtents(CStr(valore)).W / 2),
             dh - (.TextExtents(CStr(valore)).H / 2), .TextExtents(CStr(valore)).W, .TextExtents(CStr(valore)).H, Align.Normal)
 End With


Nel codice seguente invece si darà un effetto arcobaleno:

Private DrawingArea1 As DrawingArea
Private dw As Short
Private dh As Short
Private valore As Single
Private tempus As Timer

Public Sub Form_Open()

 With DrawingArea1 = New DrawingArea(Me) As "DrawingArea1"
   .X = 10
   .Y = 10
   .W = 300
   .H = 50
   .Background = Color.LightGray
   dw = .W / 2
   dh = .H / 2
 End With

 With tempus = New Timer As "Tempus"
   .Delay = 40
 End With


Public Sub Tempus_Timer()
 If (valore * 100) / DrawingArea1.W >= 100.0 Then tempus.Stop
 valore += 1.0


Public Sub DrawingArea1_Draw()

 Dim c As Integer[] = [Color.Blue, Color.Green, Color.Yellow, Color.Red]
 Dim f As Float[] = [0, 0.34, 0.67, 1]

 With Paint
' Imposta un motivo arcobaleno orizzontale per la "ProgressBar" simulata:
   .Brush = .LinearGradient(valore, 0, valore, DrawingArea1.H, c, f)
   .Rectangle(0, 0, valore, DrawingArea1.H)
   .Brush = .Color(Color.Black)
   .DrawText(CStr(Fix((valore * 100) / DrawingArea1.W)) & "%", dw - (.TextExtents(CStr(valore)).W / 2),
             dh - (.TextExtents(CStr(valore)).H / 2), .TextExtents(CStr(valore)).W, .TextExtents(CStr(valore)).H, Align.Normal)
 End With
