Disegnare in una DrawingArea un goniometro

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Versione del 27 giu 2024 alle 11:44 di Vuott (Discussione | contributi)

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Per disegnare su una DrawingArea un semplice quadrante del goniometro, si potrà adottare il seguente codice: [nota 1]

Private DrawingArea1 As DrawingArea
Private FINEANGOLO As Short = 360

Public Sub Form_Open()

 With Me
   .W = Screen.AvailableWidth
   .H = Screen.AvailableHeight
   .Arrangement = Arrange.Fill
 End With
 With DrawingArea1 = New DrawingArea(Me) As "DrawingArea1"
   .Background = Color.Lighter(Color.Yellow)
 End With


Public Sub DrawingArea1_Draw()
 Dim rag, an As Short

 rag = DrawingArea1.H * 0.4
 With Paint
   .Brush = Paint.Color(Color.Blue)
   For an = 0 To FINEANGOLO - 10 Step 10
     .Text(CStr(an), (DrawingArea1.W / 2) + (rag + 20) * -Sin(Rad(-an)), (DrawingArea1.H / 2) - (rag + 20) * Cos(Rad(-an)))
   .Brush = Paint.Color(Color.Red)
   .LineWidth = 3.0
   .Arc(DrawingArea1.W / 2 + 10, DrawingArea1.H / 2 - 6, rag, Rad(0), Rad(360), False)
 End With


[1] Vedere anche: Disegnare in una DrawingArea un cerchio