Creare una GIF animata con le funzioni esterne del API di Libplot
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Libplot è una libreria di funzioni gratuita per disegnare grafica vettoriale bidimensionale. Può produrre, animazioni per il sistema X Window, e può esportare file grafici in molti formati di file.
Per poter utilizzare in Gambas le risorse di LIbplot, è necessario installare e richiamare la libreria dinamica condivisa: ""
Mostriamo un semplice esempio, nel quale sarà generato un'immagine GIF animata delle dimensioni 150 x 100 pixel:
Library "libplot:2.2.4" ' plPlotterParams * pl_newplparams (void) ' Constructor constructor for the plPlotterParams type. Private Extern pl_newplparams() As Pointer ' int pl_setplparam (plPlotterParams *plotter_params, const char *parameter, void *value) ' A function for setting a single Plotter parameter in a plPlotterParams instance. Private Extern pl_setplparam(plotter_params As Pointer, parameter As String, value As String) As Integer ' plPlotter * pl_newpl_r (const char *type, FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile, const plPlotterParams *plotter_params) ' Constructor for the plPlotter type. Private Extern pl_newpl_r(type As String, infile As Pointer, outfile As Pointer, errfile As Pointer, plotter_params As Pointer) As Pointer ' int pl_openpl_r (plPlotter *plotter) Private Extern pl_openpl_r(plPlotter As Pointer) As Integer ' int pl_fspace_r (plPlotter *plotter, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) Private Extern pl_fspace_r(plPlotter As Pointer, x0 As Float, y0 As Float, x1 As Float, y1 As Float) As Integer ' int pl_pencolorname_r (plPlotter *plotter, const char *name) Private Extern pl_pencolorname_r(plPlotter As Pointer, name As String) As Integer ' int pl_linewidth_r (plPlotter *plotter, int size) Private Extern pl_linewidth_r(plPlotter As Pointer, size As Integer) As Integer ' int pl_filltype_r (plPlotter *plotter, int level) Private Extern pl_filltype_r(plPlotter As Pointer, level As Integer) As Integer ' int pl_fillcolorname_r (plPlotter *plotter, const char *name) Private Extern pl_fillcolorname_r(plPlotter As Pointer, name As String) As Integer ' int pl_erase_r (plPlotter *plotter) Private Extern pl_erase_r(plPlotter As Pointer) As Integer ' int pl_ellipse_r (plPlotter *plotter, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int angle) Private Extern pl_ellipse_r(plPlotter As Pointer, xI As Integer, yI As Integer, rx As Integer, ry As Integer, angle As Integer) As Integer ' int pl_deleteplparams (plPlotterParams *plotter_params) ' Destructor for the plPlotterParams type. Private Extern pl_deleteplparams(plotter_params As Pointer) As Integer ' int pl_closepl_r (plPlotter *plotter) Private Extern pl_closepl_r(plPlotter As Pointer) As Integer ' int pl_deletepl_r (plPlotter *plotter) ' Destructor for the plPlotter type. Private Extern pl_deletepl_r(plPlotter As Pointer) As Integer Library "libc:6" ' FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode) ' Opens the filename pointed to by filename using the given mode. Private Extern fopen(filename As String, mode As String) As Pointer ' int fclose(FILE *stream) ' Closes the stream. All buffers are flushed. Private Extern fclose(fs As Pointer) As Integer Public Sub Main() Dim fl, param, plotter As Pointer Dim i As Integer fl = fopen("/percorso/del/file.gif", "wb") ' Imposta i parametri del disegnatore: param = pl_newplparams() If param == 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore !") pl_setplparam(param, "BITMAPSIZE", "150x100") pl_setplparam(param, "BG_COLOR", "orange") pl_setplparam(param, "TRANSPARENT_COLOR", "orange") pl_setplparam(param, "GIF_ITERATIONS", "100") pl_setplparam(param, "GIF_DELAY", "5") ' Crea un disegnatore di GIF con i parametri specificati: plotter = pl_newpl_r("gif", 0, fl, 0, param) If plotter == 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore !") pl_openpl_r(plotter) pl_fspace_r(plotter, -0.5, -0.5, 149.5, 99.5) ' Usa il colore rosso per disegnare l'oggetto grafico: pl_pencolorname_r(plotter, "red") pl_linewidth_r(plotter, 5) ' L'oggetto grafico viene riempito: pl_filltype_r(plotter, 1) ' Imposta il colore di riempimento: pl_fillcolorname_r(plotter, "yellow") For i = 0 To 180 - 1 Step 15 pl_erase_r(plotter) ' Disegna un'ellisse: pl_ellipse_r(plotter, 75, 50, 40, 20, i) Next ' Va in chiusura: pl_deleteplparams(param) pl_closepl_r(plotter) pl_deletepl_r(plotter) fclose(fl) End