Discussione:Ashton Moore Boob Job

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China has a big advantage in its ceurrnt growth they build a lot of new power stations because they need to. And they realize that global warming and other environmental concerns associated with heavy reliance on coal are a major problem, so they're shifting more towards renewables.In the USA we seem to be heading backwards. Wind energy construction stalled with the economic downturn and lack of proper legislation. Now with a bunch of anti-science ant-environment pro-fossil fuel Republicans in office, it's hard to see us ramping up our renewable energy investments in the near future. If we don't, China will eat our lunch. I read yesterday that 40% of the jobs that come from installing wind energy in the USA come from overseas, because we're importing so many wind turbines. American companies just can't keep up because we lack the legislation and political leadership to stay on top of the green tech revolution. Say what you will about China, but they see the writing on the wall, and are well on the way to leading the green tech wave.Of course there are major problems with their political system, and of course we don't want to turn into China. But we don't have to become China to emulate their smart investing in green technology. Unfortunately Americans see blind patriotism as a positive thing. That's why so many Americans think our jacked up health care system is the best in the world. That's why when you compare China favorably to the US on any issue, so many will attack you for it. It's their blind patriotism kicking in. It's just another form of denial, and really it's unpatriotic, because pretending nothing is wrong with the country will prevent us from making the country better. Was this answer helpful?