Eseguire un CDROM mediante le funzioni del API di SDL
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La libreria SDL ci permette di eseguire il contenuto audio di un CDROM.
Le funzioni, utili per gestire il CDROM, nella versione obsoleta, ma ancora funzionante, "libSDL-1.2:1.2.68 ".
Mostriamo un semplice esempio pratico:
Library "libSDL-1.2:1.2.68" Private Const SDL_INIT_CDROM As Integer = &h100 Private Enum CD_TRAYEMPTY, CD_STOPPED, CD_PLAYING, CD_PAUSED, CD_ERROR = -1 ' int SDL_Init(Uint32 flags) ' Initialize the SDL library. Private Extern SDL_Init(flags As Integer) As Integer ' int SDL_CDNumDrives(void) ' Returns the number of CD-ROM drives on the system. Private Extern SDL_CDNumDrives() As Integer ' SDL_CD *SDL_CDOpen(int drive) ' Opens a CD-ROM drive for access. Private Extern SDL_CDOpen(drive As Integer) As Pointer ' CDstatus SDL_CDStatus(SDL_CD *cdrom) ' Returns the current status of the given drive. Private Extern SDL_CDStatus(cdrom As Pointer) As Integer ' int SDL_CDPlayTracks(SDL_CD *cdrom, int start_track, int start_frame, int ntracks, int nframes)) ' SDL_CDPlayTracks plays the given CD starting at track start_track, for ntracks tracks. Private Extern SDL_CDPlayTracks(cdrom As Pointer, start_track As Integer, start_frame As Integer, ntracks As Integer, nframes As Integer) As Integer ' void SDL_Delay(Uint32 ms) ' Wait a specified number of milliseconds before returning. Private Extern SDL_Delay(ms As Integer) ' void SDL_CDClose(SDL_CD *cdrom) ' Closes the given cdrom handle. Private Extern SDL_CDClose(cdrom As Pointer) ' void SDL_Quit(void) ' Shuts down all SDL subsystems and frees the resources allocated to them. Private Extern SDL_Quit() Public Sub Main() Dim cd As Pointer SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_CDROM) If SDL_CDNumDrives() == 0 Then Print "Nessun Driver CDRom connesso !" Chiusura() Endif cd = SDL_CDOpen(0) If cd == 0 Then Print "Impossibile aprire il CD-Rom !" Chiusura() Endif ' Esegue l'intero CDRom. ' (Se si vuole eseguire una traccia determinata, si porrà il numero della sua posizione nel 4° argomento della seguente funzione). If SDL_CDStatus(cd) == CD_STOPPED Then SDL_CDPlayTracks(cd, 0, 0, 0, 0) While SDL_CDStatus(cd) == CD_PLAYING SDL_Delay(10) Wend SDL_CDClose(cd) Chiusura() End Private Procedure Chiusura() SDL_Quit() Quit End