Ruotare un'immagine mediante le funzioni esterne del API di ImageMagick

Da - Wikipedia.

Il sistema ImageMagick consente di creare, modificare e convertire immagini bitmap. Può altresì leggere e scrivere immagini di oltre 200 formati.

Per poter fruire in Gambas delle risorse, è necessario avere installata nel sistema e richiamare la seguente libreria condivisa: " ".

Mostriamo di seguito un semplice esempio pratico per ruotare un'immagine:

Library "libMagickWand-7.Q16HDRI:10.0.2"

Private Const MagickPathExtent As Integer = 4096

Public Struct MagickWand
  id As Long
  name[MagickPathExtent] As Byte
  images As Pointer
  image_info As Pointer
  exception As Pointer
  insert_before As Integer
  image_pending As Integer
  debug_ As Integer
  signature As Long
End Struct

Private Enum MagickFalse = 0, MagickTrue

' void MagickWandGenesis(void)
' Initializes the MagickWand environment.
Private Extern MagickWandGenesis()
' MagickWand *NewMagickWand(void)
' Returns a wand required for all other methods in the API.
Private Extern NewMagickWand() As MagickWand
' MagickBooleanType MagickReadImage(MagickWand *wand,const char *filename)
' Reads an image or image sequence.
Private Extern MagickReadImage(wand As MagickWand, filename As String) As Integer

' PixelWand *NewPixelWand(void)
' Returns a new pixel wand.
Private Extern NewPixelWand() As Pointer

' void PixelSetRed(PixelWand *wand, const double red)
' Sets the normalized red color of the pixel wand.
Private Extern PixelSetRed(Pwand As Pointer, red As Float)

' void PixelSetGreen(PixelWand *wand, const double green)
' Sets the normalized green color of the pixel wand.
Private Extern PixelSetGreen(Pwand As Pointer, green As Float)

' void PixelSetBlue(PixelWand *wand, const double blue)
' Sets the normalized blue color of the pixel wand.
Private Extern PixelSetBlue(Pwand As Pointer, blue As Float)

' void PixelSetAlpha(PixelWand *wand, const double alpha)
' Sets the normalized alpha color of the pixel wand.
Private Extern PixelSetAlpha(Pwand As Pointer, alpha As Float)

' MagickBooleanType MagickRotateImage(MagickWand *wand, const PixelWand *background,const double degrees)
' Rotates an image the specified number of degrees.
Private Extern MagickRotateImage(wand As MagickWand, background As Pointer, degrees As Float) As Integer

' MagickBooleanType MagickWriteImages(MagickWand *wand, const char *filename,const MagickBooleanType adjoin)
' Writes an image or image sequence.
Private Extern MagickWriteImages(wand As MagickWand, filename As String, adjoin As Boolean) As Integer

' PixelWand *DestroyPixelWand(PixelWand *wand)
' Deallocates resources associated with a PixelWand.
Private Extern DestroyPixelWand(Pwand As Pointer) As Pointer

' MagickWand *DestroyMagickWand(MagickWand *wand)
' Deallocates memory associated with an MagickWand.
Private Extern DestroyMagickWand(wand As MagickWand) As MagickWand

' void MagickWandTerminus(void)
' Terminates the MagickWand environment.
Private Extern MagickWandTerminus()

Public Sub Main()
  Dim bo As Integer
  Dim mwand As MagickWand
  Dim fileimmagine, nuovofile As String
  Dim pw As Pointer

  fileimmagine = "/percorso/del/file/immagine"
  nuovofile = "/percorso/del/nuovo/file/dell'immagine/ruotata"
' I triangoli lasciati vuoti dalla rotazione dell'immagine sono riempiti da un colore di fondo:
  pw = ColorFondo()
  mwand = NewMagickWand()
  bo = MagickReadImage(mwand, fileimmagine)
  If bo = MagickFalse Then
    Termina(mwand, pw)
    Error.Raise("Impossibile caricare l'immagine !")
' Ruota l'immegine di 135,00° a destra:
  MagickRotateImage(mwand, pw, 135.00)
  bo = MagickWriteImages(mwand, nuovofile, MagickTrue)
  If bo = MagickFalse Then
    Termina(mwand, pw)
    Error.Raise("Impossibile creare il nuovo file dell'immagine ruotata !")
  Termina(mwand, pw)

Private Function ColorFondo() As Pointer
  Dim pxw As Pointer
  pxw = NewPixelWand()
  PixelSetRed(pxw, 255.0)
  PixelSetGreen(pxw, 255.0)
  PixelSetBlue(pxw, 255.0)
' Imposta il canale Alfa a zero per la trasparenza:
  PixelSetAlpha(pxw, 0.0)
  Return pxw

Private Procedure Termina(mw As MagickWand, pixw As Pointer)    ' Libera la memoria e termina il programma
  Wait 0.01
